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What is Warren Buffett Known For?

Living legend of Investing Warren Edward Buffett was born on 30 August 1930 in state Omaha, Nebraska(united states).He is an American business tycoon, investor and humanitarian. The chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett is one of the most victorious investor’s in the world and has a total assets of over $100 billion at the end of 2022,represents him the world’s sixth-moneyed person.


Warren Buffett is the son of Leila and Howard Buffett and he has two sisters named Roberta and Doris Buffett.
Buffett married to Susan in 1952.they had three children named as Susie,Howard and Peter.In 1977 they started living separately.Buffett is legally married with Susan until her death in july 2004.In 2006 Buffett married with Asterid Menks when she was 60 and buffett was 76 years old.Asterid Menks was born in 1946 in Latvia.She is a Latvian-American and earlier cocktail waitress.


In 1951,he obtained a Master of Science in economics from Columbia. His interest in business and investing showed at a young age. He was encouraged by a book he took from the Omaha public library at age seven, named as (One Thousand Ways to Make $1000). Buffett attended the New York Institute of Finance after completing graduation. To look at the stocks as business, use the market’s alteration to your convenience and pursue a bound of safety are the elementary ideas of investing.

Business and Carrier

•Warren Buffett showed his interest in business and investing at the age of seven.He purchased his first stock at the age of 11 and his first real estate investment at the age of 14.

•Buffett has been a chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway since 1970,that’s why he is known as the ‘oracle of omaha’ worldwide.

•He is a living legend of investing and financial advisor of world’s biggest presidents and business tycoons.

•He invested with $211 over 60 companies including his holding company Berkshire Hathaway(clothing company),Apple inc,Goldman Sachs,Bank of America,Wells Fargo,American Express, Coca-Cola,Mastercard and visa.

•Warren pledged to donate more than 99% of his wealth in the charity,primarily via the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation upon his death.

Buffett Is Famous For?

•As a legendary investor and business tycoon he lives a simple life in his first house he bought at the time of his marriage. He said all the needy things present in my home.

•He never does daily,weekly or monthly meetings, only writes one letter every year to the CEO’s of his more than 70 companies by sending them targets of the year to achieve.

•Buffet always says :-“The first rule of investment is don’t lose money and the second rule is don’t forget the first rule”.

•He never meets anyone unnecessarily but
Someone paid $19 million to have lunch with him for one hour. He donated that money to the foundations for helping the people suffering from poverty, hunger, and homelessness.

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